Friday, May 21, 2010

"Why I" week.

Don't you love it when I do "Weeks" on my blog.. and they turn into one or two posts? Yeah. Me too.

But I always have good intentions! I have ideas. And then I start them, and then... well, life happens. You know?

So, I am going to do "Why I" week. In which, I will answer questions like,

Why do you do Pampered Chef?

Why do you work out?

Why do you care about what you clean your house with?

And if you care to ask me some other "WHY" questions. I will consider answering them. :)

I have already answered the:

Why do you blog? HERE. And HERE kind of.

Stay tuned! Oh yeah, and a winner for my GIVEAWAY soon too!



Shanakin Skywalker said...

Stay tuned. I'm going to think of some GOOD "why's!"

jessica said...

I don't have any whys...but I have a what...what is your favorite thing to cook?

Anonymous said...

How about a 'how' question? how does it feel to be so cool? that's all i've got...

and i like jessica's what question. only i'm going add what is your favorite easy (like super easy!) thing to cook?

Lindsey said...

Ok Nat and Jess, how about WHY DO YOU COOK DINNER? I think it is a GREAT question. :) I will answer it with recipes too. :)


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