Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It can't be skipped.

I just downloaded 96 pictures from my Camera... I mean, my cell phone. Yes, I am one of those people who have resorted to taking pictures of my family at events on my cell phone because I have forgotten my actual camera. Which makes for really stinky pictures for sure.

However, when I was downloading all those pictures, there were a few events that I could not pass up. One of them happened 5 months ago, but who's counting anyway?

Not me,

I was busy moving.

And starting a new business, but whatever.

You will know what I mean, when you cast your eyes on this first pic.

This is Jaxon applying my make up on Mother's Day. If that doesn't say "make-up artist" I don't know what does.

How about this one, better no? Do you see the passion in his eyes? oh... I do... and if you can see me at all, you can see I am on the verge of giggling hysterics because he was so, "into" it.

My toes, he chose the color. . . . I mean, colorS.
This is probably the most focused I have ever seen him in his life. Bar none.
I hope you think they were worth a 5 month delayed post... I SURE DID!

1 comment:

jessica said...

Love it! I am wondering if I could ever give up that kind of control to Camden, I'm afraid my entire body would be covered in nail polish!


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