Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring Break

 I love spring. There are sooooooooooo many reasons for me to love spring! The flowers come out, (aren't these AMAZING?? They are at my favorite beach spot)
 There is my Anniversary. .. We did lots of fun things this year, a visit to Pinks, a back lot tour, and a visit to the Staples center to see a Lakers/Clippers game. It was fantastic, of course.
 The sun is out, and everyone is happy to be outside. The weather is mild, and the kids are out of school for a few weeks so I don't have to maintain that killer school schedule. . .
 We get to go the beach, and I am going to tell you right here, and now, that there is NOTHING I love more than going to the beach. Who doesn't want to sit in the sun all day, and watch the surf roll in??
 My kids are finally getting big enough where I don't have to worry too much about them. The ones that CAN handle the water, I have a hard time getting OUT of the water, and those that can't play happily in the sand. I hope they love it as much as I do when they are my age. I mean, I think they love it now, but I hope their love just grows stronger...
 I finally took Easter pictures this year.(first year in like... 4) Of course, I didn't take the time to grab my NICE camera, even though I was home. These shots would have turned out soooooooooo much better. But they are documented still the same. 

 Taking pictures with 4 kids is NEVER easy.
 Especially when you have a few posers...
 These pictures make me so happy. I have 4 healthy, happy children.. . .
We have our fair share of challenges, and a large work load, but things are on a better keel. . .
I look back at where we've been, and I am so grateful to be HERE. I post pictures of my family at Disneyland and at the beach because I can hardly believe we are there myself! It is wonderful to be in a place where we finally feel settled, and even though there is a lot to do, we have a HOME, and our kids like it here, and they are growing, and thriving.

I am grateful, so grateful. I would not rather be in another place, or another time. I am blessed, and I know that the challenges we have are for our good. I feel peace. Because I know that God lives, and has a hand in our life. I am reminded daily of that.


Melissa-Mc said...

There is just a happiness in the air when Spring comes. Happy Easter to you and your cute family!

jessica said...

I am so happy for you! The best part of being on the other side of a trial is being able to look back and see how far you've come and what you have learned by going through it. You guys have certainly been through it and are such great examples of enduring to the end and "coming what may and loving it".

Jeanelle said...

So happy you're happy and I love the Easter outfits.


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