I called my husband and I told him how miserable I was. . how hard my life is and how bad I hate it. How horrible it is to have to drive 4 kids by myself to SLC and what a down trodden life I lead. I seriously did. Please tell me you, at some point in your life, have done the same thing. . . cuz, he wasn't very impressed with my attitude.
I drove to Vegas. Stayed overnight. Drove on to SLC the next day and got there by dinner on Sat. I chilled out on Sunday. Woke up Monday morning and hopped a plane with all 4 kids to Spokane to stay with my in-laws. By the time I hit SLC, I had recovered from my melt-down for the most part. I had made it. I knew I would. But that didn't take the fear from spending 12 hours in a car with a 4 month old baby. It just didn't. No confidence in the WORLD can take that fear away.
By the time I hit the SLC airport I was back to my old self. Confident. Self assured. The security guy checked my tickets and said, "Four kids, all by yourself. . .huh?" I said "Yep. It will be fine." Little did he know I had already conquered 12 hours in the car with the little angels.
It was no biggie. Seriously. It went ridiculously smoothly. I will go into more detail on that later.
Yesterday and today, I have spent time 'keeping my husband updated' with what I am doing. You know, I don't want him to worry. . . Here was my first text. . .
“Miss you, wish you were here!”
Then for some reason, I started to feel a little snarky. . and texted this.
“Neener Neener”
I am sure he replied with something extra witty, so, I sent this. . .
“So, so, suck your toe”
You’re impressed with my level of maturity. I know.
I was starting to feel so much better about my life. I mean, who could feel bad about their life when they are doing this. . .

I texted: “Geez, this is so awesome. I wish you could take a week off.”
I really wanted him to be here with me.

She really did. . out like a light.
This morning I woke up so happy to be here. You know, everyone needs a vacation now and again from their regular everyday life. EVERYONE. I don’t care if you can’t get to the most beautiful lake and river in Washington. Just take a trip. Get out. See something else beside the catastrophe that is your house (read 'life').
So, this morning, I wanted him to know, I was still ok. . and getting better. So I sent this. .

“I am so, so, sorry.”
Then I wrote. . .

“Holy CRAP. This is the LIFE!”
(Yes, I am in my pajamas and had not showered yet in this picture. . that is right. . I am on VACATION!)
I am doing much better now. Personal crisis meltdown averted. Thanks for asking. If you would like to join me on my personal vacay, please check facebook next weeks for days and times that I will be hostessing visits to my personal vacay. I would LOVE to see you, and wouldn't you LOVE to come sit at the lake with me?
Mkay, see you there.