Wooosh. I made it. I made it through my own little personal nightmare. . . . you decide which one it was. Anywho, for those of you who left comments of encouragement, a sincere thank you is in order. I know you had to click over from google reader and click on "comment" and then probably log in. . and you know what? I really, really appreciate it. Sometimes a girl just needs to know that she has people on her team. Ya know?
Ya, I am sure you know.
My kids all made it too, and although it may have sounded like it, I didn't just stay in my bed everyday. The only reason I survived most of it was because I had 4 kids standing at my bedside every morning depending on me to get out of it. Thank heavens for them.
We did a lot during our "break". More than I thought. When I was talking to someone else I though, GEE WIZ we did a ton of stuff! It was great, because it kept me sane. Week one, we went to the
Zoo (zoo pass)
Children's Museum (Culture Pass)
Movie Day (Gotta Love Harkin's Cups and T-shirts)
Castles and Coasters.
The lines at castles and coasters were long. I was doing a "shop" so, essentially it was "free" but honestly, you would not catch me dead in that place. It was the worst 5 hours I have spent in any one place. The lines were obnoxiously long. I can wait 45 minutes to get on Space Mountain, but no the Bumper Boats. . . you know? Plus, there were an inordinate amount of teenagers with crazy piercings making out in line. I was hoping "someone" didn't notice.
Unfortunately, she did.

Week two, we did Tumbleweed Park, Freestone Park, made sugar cookies, went to the pool x2, hit Chuck E. Cheese (awesome coupon) and went to Enchanted Island Park. We had some passes with the company that does Jaxon's respite care. It was fun, and there was hardly anyone there, but I can't say I would go back unless I had some discount passes. And from there, we went to the fair. Because who can resist $1 fair entry. NOT ME. Luckily, we were there early enough to miss the teenage crowd. (No More PDA)

Wade likes roller coasters, but is definitely my most timid adventurer.

And who doesn't enjoy the smell of cows.
Just kidding.

Sometimes I giggle when I look down and see these two heads. They don't match very well. And if they look the same size to you, you are about right. Kaylie is now wearing a 4T, and Wade was wearing one last spring. 6 months ago. Believe it or not, Wade is not a small child. And if you ever wonder why Kaylie sports the same hair-doo all the time, that cowlick in the back of her head should tell you somethin'. The hair is growing in three different directions.
Hope you survived your Fall "BREAK" too.
Wow. You are one good, AMBITIOUS mama. My kids would think they'd died and gone to heaven!
I'm glad you're feeling more cheerful... I hope your kids/hubby/jobs/arizona/life keep helping that effort along! : )
I want a fall break! Glad to hear you are feeling better. I wanted to comment on your last post but I was feeling pretty down myself and didn't have any words of encouragement to offer. Hopefully this week will be better for all of us! :)
I know we don't know each other well, even for "blog friends" we don't know each other well...but I have to say that I am so sorry that you have been struggling. I have had serious battles with depression (not that that is what you are experiencing...I'm not sure...because, again, we don't know each other) but I want you to know I understand how hard it is to get out of bed and keep going. You did a great job at it. What a fun mom you are.
Sorry that Castles and Coasters was such torture. A 45 minute wait for bumper boats is cruel and unusual punishment.
You truly do amaze me with all of your awesome outings. I am so not that awesome...
I am starting a venting blog. I will send you the link as soon as I get it up and running. My issues are with my mom...they are huge and never ending. I love that I can say that on your blog because she will never read it!
i'm so glad that you survived your latest round of trials. these battles sometimes leave us battered, bruised and tired but a little more prepared for the next ambush. here's to hoping that your ambush is a LONG way down the road! way to go with fall break! you're more amazing than you think:)!
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