A few days ago, my friend Rachel and I decided that we wanted to bake. That baking together was FUN. More fun than baking alone, right?

Actually, Rachel said that baking was NOT fun, so, I told her we just needed to do it together, and I could change her mind. You'll have to ask her if it worked. I am not sure yet. I put a Facebook post out there for any and all of your favorite pumpkin recipes. I got plenty to choose from. They were ALL delicious. Rachel made the Pumpkin Cheesecake Swirl Bread, Pumpkin Craisin Muffins, and Pumpkin Carmel Cheesecake. . . .

Doesn't this look like the most beautiful cheesecake EVER?

I made these scones. . .and they were completely and totally scrumptious. Doesn't that scone look amazing? It was.

Here is the Pumpkin Cheesecake Swirl Bread.

And the pumpkin craisin muffins. (Aren't these pictures awesome? Thanks Liz!)

Here is a happy customer. HI ANGEL!

And this would be an amazing Pumpkin Bisque with Mexican Cream.

And this is what my counter would look like after Rachel told me she was frustrated in my kitchen because things were in the WRONG PLACE. Honestly, THE NERVE.
Actually, I agreed. My kitchen wasn't working for me either. It was a combination of moving into a kitchen 1/2 the size of the one I had before, and gaining about 500 new kitchen gadgets ala Pampered Chef. It is tough to find space for all those fabulous tools, I admit.
However, after declaring that I could NOT have three junk drawers in my kitchen (the most organized junk drawers anyone has ever seen mind you) she swiftly re-arranged my kitchen to make it work. And I must admit, I like it.
Except, this pile on the counter.
Of which remnants of this pile are still there. Three days later.
I will be posting the rest of the recipes on my food blog soon!
YUM! So mean of you to post pictures of things I will never taste unless someone makes them for me...
It was so much fun cooking with you Lindsey! I actually like baking now and have spent most of the day on my new favorite "foodie porn" pioneer woman site. You gave me the courage to give baking a good try and Pioneer Woman held my hand and tempted me with dazzling pictures. Now we have our own arsenal of pumpkin goodness! So much fun! And for the record, I didn't make you get rid of your many junk drawers. I inspired you! Like you inspired me with your love of bakings. Friends help each other out!
Please send Rachel to organize my kitchen. Thanks.
I totally got the clever smashing pumpkin line.
The pictures of your food look fantastic.
Wow, so much yumminess, so little time.
I'm with Lauren, can I borrow Rachel too? How is she with tiny, as in teeny, spaces?
The scones were too die for.....RIGHT???? i dream about them!
That was so fun and yummy! You should host a monthly cook-off or something with a theme. I would try to make something to bring even though I stink at baking....it was a lot of fun thanks for the invite!
I loved it!!! I am just figuring out this blog things, and how everyone except me has one. I guess I will just be so happy that I was part of your baking fun and I am posted in your blog!!!
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