Sunday, June 29, 2008

As Seen On TV

I admit it. I am not afraid to buy something off of an infomercial. That is right. I have done it, and not only that, but I have done it SEVERAL times. You heard me... SEVERAL. You might ask, "What infomercial sucked you in to the point of getting out your wallet?" I'll tell you... Let's start from the beginning:

I think my first purchase from an infomercial was ProActive. It was a few weeks away from my wedding, and stress was showing on my face. I got some proactive with the hopes that those RED BUMPS (zits) would lose their shine and not be so noticeable. I didn't have to use it all the time, as a matter of fact, it dried my face out too much, but I DO think it works and I would highly recommend it to ANYONE with an Acne problem because we all know that would be FAR more painful than not shelling out $30-40 bucks for a new product. As a matter of fact, there have been times when I have wanted to chase down that poor teenager and offer to buy it myself for them...You know?

Next purchase? I think it was Debbie Sievers "Slim in 6"... where with her work out plan and diet you can lose _________ lbs in 6 WEEKS! I have to admit. I LOVE THE WORK OUT. I am a big fan of total body work outs and if you want one that rocks ala "The Firm" with an all in one work out kind of twist, that would be the one. Best yet, you don't have to go to the gym. (However, you do have to wait until your kids are gone to school, bed, or other because if they are anything like my kids they will steal your weights while you are tied up in a pretzel.. thus having to chase them down for the next "arms" segment, OR they will take a flying leap onto your stomach while you are prone for the "Abs" section. Either way, it is best if they are occupied for about 50 minutes. I saw my body shape change (for once) and felt great about it.

Hmmm. I guess I am into work out videos because the next one was HIP HOP ABS. Basically I was looking for a change, because although I love the Slim in 6 work outs.. you can get tired of ANY work out video. The guy in these work outs make me laugh, and although I didn't do it consistently enough to see results, I enjoyed the change. Oh, and they have a "full body" work out too that I was most certainly sore after, so, it must have been working! (I guess I should be a Beachbody Lifetime Member--Or maybe I should get my money back since I wouldn't be caught dead in a bikini...)

Oh, sign me up for Gunthy Renker too because I just bought Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty.. sold by the same company as ProActive... Sheesh.. these people should PAY ME! I am such a sucker! (PS- I like it. My face is super sensitive, so it is great for me)

This leads me to my current purchase of the PediEgg. I don't know about where you live, but in Washington it is against the law for Manicurists to use any sort of "shaver" on your calloused limbs for fear they might make a cut and in then using their unsanitary foot was basins cause Gangrene to set into your wound thus causing you to loose a limb... Seriously. The most they would use is a little scrubber that, lets face it, doesn't do a darn thing except make you THINK they are scrubbing off your callouses. Even with the most EXPENSIVE pedicure, they have barely made a dent in my soles...I have used callous scrappers myself, metal scrappers, I have used just about everything, and now that my feet are in a constant state of undress here in AZ.. I needed a new arsenal to combat my thick as a boot callouses on my feet.

In walks the PediEgg.. One infomercial and I needed to give it a whirl. I got my PediEgg yesterday and you know what? I LOVE IT! My feel feel pretty darn smooth, but not torn to shreds.. so, I feel like I could use it every day! (My feet need it) However, I will tell you there are a few misleading things about this product. First, it boasts a "catching tray" to catch the shavings and not make a big mess..True, it does have a catcher, but unless you are in an inverted position with your feet in the air, the shavings are going to come back out of the grate and fall on the floor while you are using it. So, have a vacuum handy, or put your feet in the air.. either way.

The other thing is ordering on-line.. They will try to get you to upgrade a million times, and I will admit, I upgraded to the "Ulitima" PediEgg, so, since I had never used one before I can't tell you if it was worth the upgrade or not, but I was afraid that their "regular" version wouldn't be tough enough for my second skins...

So, lets hear it.. What infomercials have sucked YOU in? Was it worth it? Lemme tell you.. I was right on my way to buying the "Magic Bullet" until I got my Vitamix.. ahhhhhhhhh.. saved by the Vitamix...


Jill said...

Funny post! I love all the things you have tried, and it's great to hear they all worked and you enjoyed them! I bought the pro-active before my wedding too! It does work and I still have 2 boxes sitting on my shelves. I also bought a juicer/blender...I'll have to go look at it to remember the brand, but I love it too. It's great to stick apples, carrots...whatever fruit or vege in and just get the juice.
Oh, I bought the little electrical nose and eyebrow trimmer for my hubby as a silly gift once. Funny thing is, it works great! LOVE IT! That one is a great handy thing to have around for all those nasty little hair that creep up all over your body.
It looks like infomercials seem to be great prodcuts!!

Bridget said...

You are so funny! I am totally sold on this pedi-egg. I've got to check it out now. I too have horribly calloused feet and nothing has worked for me either.

Jeanelle said...

I have been wanting to try the ped-egg too so thanks for the recommendation. My heels are gross too but one thing that's kept them more manageable the past several months is the true blue heel stuff from Bath & Body Works. It's expensive - $15 for a jar but you can always find good sales. My heels weren't as bad this winter at all because of it.

Trooper Thorn said...

Let me get this straight; it's okay to sell cigarettes which are known to cause cancer, but a manicurist can't use a shaver on the thickest, most heavily calloused part of the body because of the risk of GANGRENE?

"But manicure-induced gangrene kills nearly 2 people per decade!" says Worry Wart.

JBelle said...

Wow. Looks like the Pedi Egg takes the day! gotta start watching TV for details....

abbyandcompany said...

no pic of the pedi-egg? Where do you find the time?

I admit I was very intrigued at the Magic Bullet but never actually purchased. Now they just sell them at costco.

Tina said...

actually I was sucked in by Tae-Bo and I still love it although it kicks my butt. That is the only workout that I have ever truly stuck to, and my body really did change.
I might have to try the slim in 6 though. I am right now doing Turbo Jam and it is fun.
You make me laugh!!

Thea said...

My mom gave me a pedi-egg a few months back and I love it. Usually by now in the summer, my heels are all cracked and gross...but not now the pedi-egg has actually made a difference.

Ilene said...

I have The Firm with the Transfirmer. I love it since it comes with three different work outs to keep me a bit more interested. Even if half of the instructors have fake boobs.

calibosmom said...

I am also a lifetime Beachbody member! Great Bodies Guaranteed, Kathy name it, I've worked it! I'm very interested in the Meaningful Beauty-you must discuss more on this one.

Tammy said...

We've bought mighty putty, which while I don't know if it could really pull a semi, it did fix out pot rack.

We have a magic bullet which my husband uses all the time.

Amy said...

Well that seals the deal. I'm ordering the pedi-egg.

Thank you for changing my life.

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

I just blog-hopped my way over here and found you raving about the Ped-Egg. I love it too!! And, I bought mine at Linens n Things--they have a "as seen on tv" section.

~ Sarah


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