Anyway, this happened to be my "back up camera" because my more updated camera broke shortly after our move and now my "back up camera" has bit the dust... and due to our current situation, which I know I have not elaborated on very much here... but, you know, some things are just too hard to blog about, I am not going to be in the market for a new camera any time soon. Anyway, now I am stuck without a camera. I am starting to think that cameras are allergic to Arizona.
So, my blog posts just aren't going to be that exciting any more. Sorry Grandmas and Grandpas... No more pictures of little kids. I am sooooooo disappointed that you won't be seeing any pictures of my now bulging belly. Oh so sad about that!
Maybe my Fairy God Mother will send me one and it will magically appear on my front door. After all, Kelly seems to think there are such things. So, I guess I am acting on her faith a bit. Maybe her FGM will adopt me. Or how 'bout this... if you were going to ebay an old camera because you just got the newest bestest version... lemme know.
In the mean time, here is a picture of that hibiscus. Courtesy of flickr.
Mine looks JUST LIKE THIS ONE... except for the rain drops... Because everyone knows it DOESN'T RAIN HERE!
I totally believe in Fairy God Mothers and clicking your heels together and wishing on stars and pots of gold and unexpected gifts from unexpected sources - keep your fingers crossed, you just never know.
Broken cameras are no fun at all. If your fairy godmother doesn't come true, try ebay.
I have an extra one that I don't use because A) I got a new one for Christmas last year and B) The pictures are kinda fuzzy and low quality -but its sitting somewhere in some box around here- (I JUST moved away from Arizona) So...
my email is -just put something about the camera in the subject because I always just delete emails from people I don't know. I'll see if I can't find it soon and get it to you so grandmas and grandpas can at least have a picture -if not a very good one. :)
And your hibiscus is beautiful.
I had a second one up until May, dang it. Hopefully your real Fairy Godmother, Heather, is going to bail you out!! Hang in there, girly...
I'd love to see those gorgeous flowers. I'm sorry about the broken camera. My 2 year old threw ours down the stairs last year. It didn't survive. Strange...
I keep my super expensive camera in my purse too. If I don't, it would never get used! So if it gets broken, at least I got some decent pics of my kids out of it! What's the point of a camera if you don't use it??? So yours had a good life, feel good about it! Gorgeous pretend hibiscus.
I think that cameras go on strike when one moves because my memory card had disappeared. Both of them in fact. Not that I couldn't go out and buy a new one but I shouldn't have to because they are pricey. And it has got to be around here somewhere!
We have an extra one that Piper got for Christmas. It is a Disney camera that takes the grainiest pictures that you could imagine. But the up-side is that Ariel, Belle, or Cinderella can be in any of your photos with you! It isn't a FGM, but close!
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