Let's talk Reality TV. It's been a while.
Did you watch last night? I wasn't very excited about this year. Just not very exciting contestants. Let's be certain about one thing, as much as everyone hated her, Kate makes compelling reality tv, and I was always DYING to see what she was going to do this week and what crazy fight she was going to get into with nice guy Tony. Know what I mean?
Seems like this year is kind of a snooze fest, BUT, I will admit that I watched Jennifer Grey's dance last night 5 times. It was awesome, it was compelling, and I like Derek's hair this year. (I have a "thing" about hair styles. . . Just ask my husband-- I consider him 8 to 10 times more attractive if he has just gotten a haircut. . . I digress) But, Derek's hair DOES make a difference, and that dance was so fun, and exciting last night. I loved it. I am starting to forget about Julianne being gone. . . bad news for her, good news for Derek. Everyone else on the show is a COMPLETE SNOOZEFEST though, and puhlease . . . . How mean was it to put an old guy (Michael Bolten) with cute little thing Chelsie Hightower. I feel so bad for her. Michael needs to go. Serious. For Chelsie's sake.
It was leaked last week on People that Brad Womack was going to be the next Bachelor. Ugh.
The Commitment Phobe? AGAIN??????? If you don't remember, Brad ticked off every woman on the planet by not choosing someone at the end of the Bachelor. For those of you who say, "GOOD FOR HIM! It is just a reality show!" I say, "YOU DIDN'T WATCH IT!" He seriously demonstrated perfection in the definition of "COMMITMENT PHOBE" and I am pretty sure there is a picture of his mug in the dictionary next those words.
Anywho. Even better, Chris Harrison admitted to Ryan Seacrest the other day that Brad was indeed a commitment phobe and has been receiving THERAPY FOR IT! I would totally love to say that I am just not going to watch this all go down, but you know I am. You know it. I am such a sucker.
PS- I love Chris Harrison. Here is what he put on his Facebook page about Brad. As you saw announced Brad as our new Bachelor last night on DWTS. I know many of you have valid concerns and questions. All I can ask or tell you is give the man a chance to prove himself. If he lets you down he's all yours' and I'll help hold him down for ya!
And that is why I love Chris Harrison. Because he is willing to hold down Brad Womack so we can all get a shot at him. Love it.
Not totally invested yet. I had to finished watching Master Chef before my Tivo could catch Survivor (conflicting time slots) Anywho, was last weeks Tribal Counsel the biggest blunder EVER? Sure seemed like it!
AM I mising one?