She has been a little unpredictable as of late, and actually spent 7 hours awake yesterday. Oh yes she did. You better believe I was ready to put her down for the night last night. . . Oh yes I was.

And today when I laid down on my bed. . . covered myself up with my soft sheets, placed my head on my fluffy pillow and curled up with Harold (my body pillow), I heard this. . .

I feel a little like I have been walking up a hill with boulders rolling down it. For the past two months, I have managed to jump over or stay clear of most of the boulders. . . Except, I got a little lazy and just got plowed over by one. Or a couple. . . meaning, 5 or 6.
Thanks for the comments last post. You all are nice to respond to my complaining. I guess blogging to me without comments is like talking to a brick wall, or telling jokes without a laugh. Sometimes, you just want to know that someone is listening.
Since I am still lying on the ground from boulders rolling down the hill, I think I am going to have to take a little break. Somethings just need more attention than others. . . like this. .
And the bags under my eyes. TTFN.
PS- This photo shoot with K was tons of fun. It involved me saying things like, "WORK iT! WORK IT!!" And "Give me more!" "A little more on the pouty side, GOOD!" "That's iT!!"
no sleep makes EVERYTHING harder.. hope the issues you are facing go away soon! and hopefully your baby sleeps well tonight! :)
I am so sorry. Sometimes it is hard to remember how rewarding this time of life is supposed to be!
Sleep is the ultimate drug. You are in desperate need.
So sorry to hear things work wise aren't settled. That is miserable.
So are you watching Bachelorette? I haven't yet. I am shocked at myself. I will. I've been totally busting up every time I watch The Cougar. Now that as you would say is reality gold.
PS The Cougar is on TVLand at 6pm on Wednesdays. I found it flipping channels while I was on the treadmill. This 40 year old lady is dating 20 year olds and it is HILARIOUS when she meets the moms and the moms are gagging the whole time they are talking to her.
Here I go being the annoying friend to give unsolicited advice. However when I was given this book it truly changed my life. It's called Happy Sleep Habits Healthy Child. I got my babies to sleep through the night. And because of it my boys go to bed at 6:30 and my daughter at 7pm. My kids are 8, 6 and 4. It's awesome. Sorry you are not getting sleep. It's awful to be sleep deprived. :(
I'm sorry, Lindsay! I hope things get better for you. I thought about you a lot after we talked the other day. Hang in there!
Those crying pictures are too cute. What a little doll she is, even when having a fit :)
My babies do the same thing. Just when you thing they know how to sleep a good stretch in the night they go and start waking up all night long. What's the deal? We need our sleep!
Hi Lindsay, I can see from the pictures of her that her torticollis might need to be checked out. Just because I see that her one ear comes out more than the other one and that is a sign of neck issues. Her neck might be hurting her as well. I would have it checked out. Hope this is helpful and not offensive advice.
I'm right there with you sister!! my little angel is giving me a run for my money too!! hang in there everyone says it gets better!
I'm sorry lindsey. i'll miss you but you should rid yourself of the pressure to blog (for a short time:)). get some rest!!!
big hugs!
p.s. i am really interested in what linda said. i'd love to hear more about that. i had some great experiences with my babies getting put 'back in place' and becoming angelic again. however, i have never heard of a torticollis before. looks like i've got some googling to do!
good luck!!!
Sometimes I think they have a monitor inside them that tells them when the mom is asleep. Then they cry to remind you that they are there. Good luck making it through the exhaustion...
Hey, I'm right there with you. Lily does not want to sleep through the night either. I'm to the "cry it out method soon." We'll see how the next week goes.
Unfortunately, those little girls certainly know how to work it when it comes to tears.
Good luck!
Those are some great expressions and they definitely describe the way a lot of us feel sometimes doesn't it?
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