Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gourmet MId-Night Snacking with Abby

Doesn't it look delicious? Mmmmmmmm raw Organic Whole Wheat Spaghetti Noodles...

I found this opened package in our food storage room, which just happens to be across from Abby's room downstairs. I noticed a little trend.. .10:30 at night, Hall light on... Pantry Door open, but it took me a while to figure out what was going on in there until I went down to search for some canned mushrooms.

Jaxon was the first person interrogated. He denied having ANY part in the missing noodles.. but you know, he IS my SNEAKER.. so he has a pretty BAD WRAP for sneaking food. Especially contraband, since he is on a Gluten Free Diet . (I am going to do a Gluten Free Progress Post soon)

Next was Abby, (the shelf was too high for Wade) she has been on a little "lying" streak lately, so, before I approached her I said... Just tell me the truth, FIRST. This seems to work, and it is easier to show clemency when the truth comes out, isn't it? She admitted plainly that after she is tucked into bed, she goes in for a "mid-night" snack, because she is hungry.

She had blazed through almost an entire bag of dried spaghetti noodles all on her own for what she CLAIMS was about a two week period. . . . Weird, since there were LUCKY CHARMS on the top shelf... Just a little more climbing, and her "mid-night snack" would have been a LOT more rewarding.


Anonymous said...

If you'll recall, I could teach Abby a thing or two about eating in the middle of the night. And I certainly wouldn't be teaching her to eat un cooked spaghetti noodles. My mini candy bar radar turns on after I have been sleeping for an hour or 2. If they're in the house, I will find them. I would be honored to mentor your daughter. (skip to E)

Caroline C. Bingham said...

My younger sister totally snacked on uncooked spaghetti noodles. STILL DOES. She's 19.

jessica said...

At least she chose something organic and something not messy.

Jenibelle said...

I can very honestly say that if I was in the mood for a whole wheat spaghetti noodles would not in ANY way even be a minute blip on my food radar.

Jake said...

I would be thrilled if my kids chose this instead of draining my chocolate chip supply!!

Melissa-Mc said...

I'm surprised you couldn't hear the crunching :)

Bridget said...

I would have totally gone for your Lucky Charms thank you very much.

Ilene said...

Will you feed your child already?

Anne said...

Did I tell you about the half eaten can of tomato soup concentrate I found. Nice. I have made the same mistake...kid room right next to food storage room!


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