Tis the season for DANCE RECITALS! I have many fond memories of dance recitals...
Unitard... just the word sends shivers down my back..(Um, yes, I am the freakishly tall one)

Silky blue..with a great VEST... sooooooooo 80s. (Back row on the end... I DISTINCTLY remember that I DID NOT know all the words to these songs and that most of the time I would just move my lips and we had a ukulele song that I would pretty much just pretend like I was strumming my ukulele... my daughter is so me...)
For some reason, I thought that when my daughter had a dance recital she would have a much better, more stylish, more hip, more now COSTUME...

At least that girl knows how to WORK IT! :) Hey, I guess we have all had our share of not so great costumes....
What were YOURS like?
i was never much of a dancer. i don't know if it was my choice or if my parents were the ones who steered me towards sports. buy i was always jealous. but i think that costume is dang cute.
as for hawaii... which island are you going to? on our most recent trip we went to the big island and oahu. on the big island we stayed at the four seasons & on oahu we stayed at turtle bay on the north shore. we've also been to maui & stayed a bunch of places there.... the marriott, sheraton, four seasons. they are all great. are you going with your kids? or just the two of you?
Oh man! I am sooooo glad my mom wasn't blogging back in my dance recital/hideous costume days!
I never did the dance thing as a young girl. However I do have some SWEET soccer uniform pictures.
I love the pictures of you dancing! I don't have any pictures of me growing up, my parents still have them all. Your daughter looks too cute and definately knows how to work it!
And what's this about you going to Hawaii?
I will call you with my email address- sorry, I forgot, my parents are in town for a couple of days!
My mom saved some of mine and my kids wear them now as dress up. The other day I got out my photo album and showed them pictures of me in them. They were loving it.
Ah, we're thick in recital mode around here, too. Oh, the joys!
I didn't take dance when I was younger...just did the sports thing. Then in Jr High I wanted to dance so I tried out for cheerleading and did that. I just have those frilly skirts to show!
I am actually part of good reads...I get the emails of all the books people are reading! I just haven't contributed on my part yet! Thanks for the invite though :)
I love the pic of you in a unitard...I'd like a recap in person please! You've been holding back on your moves and I want to see em!
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