Here is Abby's friend in her FAB barbie car (it even has a radio and goes FAR TOO FAST for my taste)... see how she fits so nicely in the car and can easily move the steering wheel about and operate the pedals. . .

Now, here is Abby in the car. . . see how her knees are almost to her chin and she looks like she is sitting in a matchbox car? She can BARELY move the steering wheel because it is wedged between her knees...

Well, guess what? Abby and her friend are the same age. . . and much to my Abby's dismay, she has already out grown her dream.
This is so hilarious! Okay maybe not for poor Abby...but the pictures are so funny. Having not grown since sixth grade, (I'm 5'3 on a good day) I've always had the opposite problem. I could probably fit into my kids car...yeah that's right...we own what are you gonna do about it?...In fact maybe I will drive it to the Bachelor Party!
When my boys were 5 and 7 they tried a friends child size dirt bike. Talk about a heart attack!! they needed body armor and's a miracle there were no injuries that weekend. I am all for the self-propelled vehicles for kids! BTW, my boys will be lucky to reach 5'8". My girls...well it's hard to imagine that they could be SHORTER than me at 5'. Wish them luck! The only advantage, being short significantly increases the dating pool!
Thanks for sharing. Feeling sorry for Abby, but it sure made me smile.
Well, the disadvantage to being shorter is that the fat can't spread itself out, yeah, that's my problem... I would be the right weight if I was just a little taller. Yea, like 10 feet or so. ;)
P.S. What do you think about who the bachelor kept? I'm mad!
By the way, LOVE your backround with the cherries- maybe you can give me some pointers to "cute" mine up!
Don't they make SUV's for kids? At least you can reach the top shelf at the grocery store!
That is so funny! Onto the real SUV I guess.
Love the cherry background! I know it's hard to be tall...but I can't help feeling just a little jealous.
abby will appreciate it later. She gets to wear long and lean jeans after all!
I am so short that I can still fit into those barbie cars.
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