I am sorry that I didn't send you a Mother's Day gift. Between looking for a place to live in Phoenix, having all the members of my family get the flu and going to Disneyland over the past 10 days, life has been a little bit nutty. I hope you understand. Since I didn't get anything to you via USPS, UPS, Fedex or other, I hope ISP will suffice. I want you to know that I love you and I think you are a wonderful mother.
You are fabulously fun. Some of the best memories I have of you are dancing until all hours of the night in Balboa, CA to "Word Up" by Cameo, traveling across the globe with you as a family and having fantastic parties in our home with perfect food, perfect decor and a perfect hostess.
You amaze me with you ability to teach kids. You find the most fun and creative ways to teach your Grandkids and I love the things that you share with them from your tiniest treasures, to your cute little songs.
I can't believe the costumes and things that you used to sew for us. Your creativity is astonishing, and although I like to try to imitate it, it is NOTHING like having the real thing. I still love to call you for decorating ideas and the latest trends in home craftiness.
Mom, I am glad you love the beach. I have so many memories of our family at the beach. I just love that you LOVE to have fun! I don't think it is a mystery as to why I ended up with a "party planning" degree. You have a passion for life and fun, and as a matter of fact, you have passed your passion for things like the beach, parties, fun and yummy food to all of your daughters. Personally, I think they are some of the best passions to have.
Some of the most precious time I have spent with you is after just having a baby. I love it when you come to stay with me and cuddle those sweet little babies. I love the pictures I have of you holding each one of my little bundles. It brings me so much joy to have you in their lives. They love you, and I love you too.

You have always been the epitome of fashion and style, and I love to look at old pictures of you. Always hip, always now, always beautiful.
Thank you for all of the love and support you have given to me throughout the years. Thank you for the wonderful memories and traditions, and thank you for raising such a wonderful family. I hope I can do it as well as you!
That bunny costume is hilarious! I love it! Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom!
Yeah, that bunny costume is awesome. You sure that wasn't from an adult costume store?
That was a sweet post. Welcome back from your trip. We need the details now.
AWWW that was cute Lindz! I'm glad you survived Disney!
Sweet tribute...and I love old photos. Are you kidding me with that bunny costume? SO funny!
So what time and what should I bring....
AB*FAB. Ab fab!
And those are old pictures of ... Abby? :)
AB*FAB. Ab fab!
And those are old pictures of ... Abby? :)
That was so sweet- I love all the old pictures you had. And the bunny picture was priceless!! Happy Mother's Day to you!
On another note, Who do you think the Bachelor is going to pick?
What a great tribute to your mom! I was waiting for you to mention what a great meals she makes. That is something I always remember about spending time at your parents home during the college days!
And moving to Phoenix?? What is the scoop on that?
You have a beautiful little mom! And you are lucky that you are not living, right now, in the playboy mansion. Had those pictures been leaked to the general public earlier you would surely be living the life of one of Heffy's little love slaves. Phew!
the bunny costume....there should be a sequel to THAT!
What a sweet tribute to your Mom! Loved reading it! What's this about Phoenix? Did I miss something?
Nice tribute. Great Pics. Thanks for sharing.
How fun you are getting together to watch THE FINAL ROSE CEREMONY. Thanks for the invite. I tried calling Jessica earlier but haven't been able to get her yet. What time is it on?
Ah, so you are moving?
Good luck with all of that drama!
My mothers' day cards are sitting on the kitchen counter and I planned to do a post yesterday but I napped. I shouldn't be surprised when 20 years from now none of my children call or send me a letter for mother's day.
what a great tribute... sounds like she is a wonderful woman.
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