My lil' sis bought this handbag not too long ago. I always thought it was so cute. It made her look hip... cool... I so want to be her.... AND NOW I CAN!
She bought it for ALMOST full price here: But you can get it FOR JUST $19.99 + 25% off! Be cute... I dare you.

I got this purse because I am not as cool as her and could NEVER pull off a bag like that. But I did get this bag for $14.99 (Originally $79.00)
AND this bag. . .

I got in in GREEN. But I SERIOUSLY CONTEMPLATED ORANGE. (Did I make a mistake?) It was only $11.24. So, I guess it is ok if I did. :0
GET ONE! (I don't care if we match... I am just not that vain.)
Awww, your battery story warmed my heart!
I wish a vasectomy was an option for us. Russ is not interested. Mirena is our only option for now.
The purses are DAAAHling. Would you believe I JUST bought my first purse ever in my life last week? I have always just had a wallet on a string. So I really have no idea what a cute purse is. They all look so different to me and I don't know what a cute purse is or an ugly purse is. But I like all of yours!
Such fun purses! How do you find these sites? I love them.
Also, I like the new background. The brown brick is very cool.
Thanks for sharing!
I just bought the ruffle purse in PINK. I can't wait to get it!
My purse was 20 bucks at TJ's. You could TOTALLY rock the ruffle purse. But the others are darling. I love them both.
Oh I Love how you inform the masses of your good deals...I am trying to decide on the hobo one your sister got or a red hot one. Thanks for making me cute!
Very cute bags. I definitely need to get one. I am still carrying my dinosaur of a purse around.
You can never go wrong with orange. It is the new red.
I am so sick of diaper bags.
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