Pa (Peter) told Ma (me) the other mornin' that the irun don't work no more. Ma decided Pa didn't know what he was talkin' about so ma jus ignored 'im. So, this mornin' when Pa needed an IRONED shirt ma plugged in the irun and sure nuf the irun wadn't workin'. So, ma had to make like a pioneer. . .

What is that phrase again? Make it do, or do without? Well, I like to think that I live by it. This worked like a charm. . . and I don't even know if I AM going to get a new iron. . .
Gee, Ma, you're smart!
Sad to say...I don't iron ever. I just wear wrinklely clothes.
Brilliant! I would have just put the clothes in the dryer with a damp towel or hung them up in a steamy bathroom and then called it good enough.
I love it. And... LHOTP is the best show of all time. I've even been known to shed a tear...
That was creative....I don't think that would have occured to me. Then again, we have a gas range.
Also, I grew up on Little House on the Prarie. Love it! When I was a newlywed I used to come home from work at lunchtime and watch it.
Way to go Ma. Just don't start makin' footballs outta pig bladders.
Way to eat it up, wear it out, make it do or do without!
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