Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Bub

My little Bub... He turned 6 today.
Sometimes it seems like it all went by so fast,

And sometimes it feels like it has been FOREVER!
Jaxon comes with his own set of challenges.

But we wouldn't have it any other way.

The other day, I knelt beside him for his night time prayer and he asked Heavenly Father to help him.

He said, "Please help my brain, that it will work right and do what I want it to do."

I put my arms around him after he finished and said, "Jax, it WILL. You just have to listen. Heavenly Father will TELL you what to do and if you do it, you will be happy."

Sometimes having a child with special needs is a priceless experience.

And sometimes it is down right difficult.

But, I wouldn't change it for the world. I mean, just look at him. . .
To see Jax open his favorite Birthday present today, view the video below. To see "Optimus Prime" in action, check back tomorrow.


Nurse Graham said...

What a cutie. My eyes got a little misty when I read about his prayer and your response. Heavenly Father knew you would be just the right mom for Jaxon. Hope he had a great birthday.

jessica said...

Happpy Birthday to your little guy. You are such a great mom L, really you are!

Melissa-Mc said...

What a sweet little guy. How frustrating it must be to know your brain is working the way you want it to. He is blessed to have kind parents who love him.

sarah goodman said...

that brought the tears to my eyes...he is such a SPECIAL sweet...


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