Monday, April 28, 2008

How to get some zzzzzzzzzzzs

You might ask, what on earth would you do from 1:30 t0 3:30 in the morning when you just can't sleep???

I'll tell you, because now I know..

You would go down to the couch because you are sick of laying in bed with your mind racing and the inability to stop thinking..

You would pick up your lap top (which is ALWAYS on the couch) and you would lay down with your blanket and dim the brightness of the lap top so you can look at it without squinting.

You would catch up on a few blogs and marvel at how many hits Travelin' Oma linking to your page will get you. (Amazing Oma... you have a fantastic readership) And of course I am obsessed with statcounter.

You would then go to your favorite "news" website which happens to be the msn homepage. If you want to know why I call it "news" click here...

Then you will click on a few links but linger on the link that says, MILEY CYRUS ADMITS PHOTOS WERE IN BAD TASTE. You get curious about exactly what the pix were and you do a websearch that brings them up... (If you wanna look, do your own websearch)

You look at Miley Cyrus teenage goddess (no more than 15) laying on what looks like a BED with a dazed look on her face (drugs maybe?) cuddling up to her boyfriend. You see them wearing white t-shirts, and then you see her laying on that SAME bed with what looks to be a black bra on.. great...

You realize how even though you might seem like an incredibly stingy mother for not letting your daughter (6) watch Hanna Montana you are sure grateful that you didn't put this celebrity onto a pedestal and glorify how cool she is just to see trashy pictures of her pop up on the web.

Then you see a link to watch her 4 minutes video (knock off of the Madonna/Justin Timberlake video) and then you decide to find the real video of 4 minutes on Youtube..because you are friends with Justin and want to check it out. It was weird, and Justin makes Madonna look like a bad dancer.

Then, close the laptop and hope that that video of Justin will help you have good dreams or at least a better dream than the one you had the other night when, after seeing the "little people" on Oprah, you dreamt that you were in love with one and planning on leaving your adoring husband... Remember people, I am 6'2".

Nighty night.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsey Long Legs...I guess great minds think alike when it comes to naming children.
I haven't had a chance to read much of your blog yet, but it looks like life is have the most adorable looking family...congrats!
So I decided doing the tv thing wasn't for me...I was selling pest control in the summer during school and got spoiled with the money in sales. So, after I graduated, the marketing company I was working for during the summer, hired me full-time and after working for them for 3 years, I started my own pest control company with a friend in the industry.
Long story short, in four years we had grown to be the biggest residential PC company in the state and was made an offer to sell that we couldn't refuse from Terminix.
We still have four other branches operating in different states so that is keeping me busy for the time being.
So that is my life in a nutshell.
Now it is your turn...what has life been like for you the past 12 years (are we really that old?)?
Do you keep in touch with anybody from the mission? Talk to you can email me at

Anonymous said...

you must teach me the joys of statcounter. I just haven't really 'gotten' it.

Jake said...

I am going to interview you next...on what it's like to be over 6 foot! I am so jealous...

Bridget said...

I don't know how but my five year old boy knows about Hannah Montana. Huh? We've never watched the show or bought any merchandising. Sounds like some slinky pics.

Have you ever seen that little people reality show? I saw it once because it was on while I was on a treadmill at the gym. It's pretty funny.

Yeah, you with a midget would be fun to see.

jessica said...

I totally love stat counter. It can be addicting. I start taking it personally when my numbers go down. It's ridiculous! So why were you up in the middle of the night anyways?...

Gotta go...Bachelor is back on!

Jeanelle said...

My problem isn't not sleeping through the night but waking up 2 plus hours before I should or want to get up. SO annoying! I just lay there and then fall asleep 10 minutes before I have to get up. Boo. I know nothing of Statcounter! Hmmm...gotta check it out! :)

K.M. Saint James said...

Glad to help your stat counter.

However, what I loved was your 3:00am post. Isn't it amazing the things that trip through our mind when the house is actually quiet?

My hubby drives a truck at night, and in the quiet in the dark, he comes up with some of the most awesome thoughts. I'm always jealous that he can complete a thought pattern . . . I do good to complete a sentence most days.

Maybe I should try the staying up all-night routine again. Hey, it worked in college and that was only, uh, okay maybe that's not such a good idea after all.

Have a great, albeit, sleepy day.

♥Shally said...

I like sitemeter better than stat counter, although somehow it would show a lot more hits on stat counter...

I have crazy dreams ALL the time...

I think it means we are super creative...

Okay, I made that up.

Not quite the Bradys said...

Hahahaha! Little people. And also, thanks for the heads up on Miley Cyrus. How disappointing. Not too surprising, but disappointing anyway.

JBelle said...

LOVE the new look!


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