yes, I purse my lips like that all the time.. don't you? They are all part of a blogger movement called, "Keepin' it real".. However, the thing is.. I really don't know how to not. I do not always post roses and sunshine. As a matter of fact, I actually have labels on my sidebar named "UGH" and "RANTS", why I need two separate labels for complaining, I will never know. [Oh wait, ask my husband] and from the looks of it, I would say between the total of those two "categories" it adds up to 34 if you are playing along.. the only other labels that add up more than that are "confessions" and . . . you guessed it. . . FOOD. (Oh, and funnies, because my life is so stinkin' hilarious)
That is what I am all about people. Really. If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you already know that.. and although I like to spread joy and sunshine as much as the next person, I know that is not what my blog is all about, and actually, I hope that is why you read it... because it IS REAL. (oh, and because I write notes to celebrities and talk about reality tv)
But, I want my bloggy sisters above to know that they are not... ahem... alone. As a matter of fact, I am RARELY caught with both MAKE UP AND HAIR DONE at the same time. (ONLY AT CHURCH) and I am just lucky if I can get one or the other done... and you might ask, "Why, if you took that picture just now, Lindsey, does it look like you just took a shower?" And I would say, "Because I did. It is 9:45p.m. on a Friday night, and I DID, IN FACT, JUST, Take a shower" And believe it or not, I was among the general public today with NO shower and NO make-up. I went to In and Out with my husband (poor guy) and Walmart (where I was generally accepted as looking GREAT) and Toys R Us. . . Oh, and the Costco gas station and then I cleaned my house like a CRAZY WOMAN because my in-laws are coming into town tomorrow and it seriously looked like an A-bomb had gone off in my house... because. . .
Since coming home from the holiday Abby has had Strep, Peter, myself and Abby had the Stomache Flu, Wade had impentiago and Abby also had an allergic reaction to her antibiotic. Not to mention "CHRISTMAS" arrived in boxes this last week and I had LOTS of help getting it unpacked, but not so much help getting it put away. Not to mention 2 weeks of held mail... and we ALL know how much I L.O.V.E. mail.
Anyway, I needed a reason to get it all put away, and now that it is, I can breathe a sigh of relief and look around at my clean house and wonder why it took me so long to get it that way. . . Girls, I am just saying, THAT is keepin' it real.
I love it because you are so real!
You're awesome. I LOVE it. I don't know if the world is ready to see me "real" yet though! lol.
I haven't done my hair or makeup for at least three days.
It's nice.
That is why i love you lindsey. real. real nice, real talented, real pretty, real funny, real appreciation for food, real appreciation for reality [tv that is:)], just real. just you. just wonderful.
i love it-totally ditto the last comment above! real all the way around!
You are being hilarious in this post. Don't you think everyone looks pretty darn good with the no-makeup thing?
You look fabulous with no make up! If I looked that good, I'd totally sport my business around town, too.
Thanks for playing along! It makes my little heart so happy.
I would never recognize you! Do you color your hair now, or has it gone darker over the years like mine? That's crazy. In my head everyone still looks just the same I guess.
You are so real! I love it!
You are a doll!!!
Real is beautiful.
I am only friends with people who are REAL! That is why we get along so great! I always walk around with my lips looking like that...
I'm doing this this week -- took my pictures (yes, plural!) last night. :) I love that you didn't have to even list your garbage because you're so open and free on your blog!! And thank you SO much for your sweet comments on my bachelor blog. I figure between the three of us (you, me and Holly) that we can tag team on the updates/commentary this season. Makes for less pressure!! xoxoxo
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