I know, I know.. horrible, disgusting... HILARIOUS TV!
I must admit that it is more fun when you are watching it with a girlfriend. I finally convinced my neighbor and friend Amy to come over and watch it with me. It is far more fun that way because you can process the ridiculousness in new ways. Tivo helps to, because sometimes things go by WAYYYYYYYYYY too fast and pausing to stare at the ensembles that are put together at the final rose ceremony make it TOTALLY worth it.
Favorite Quote from Amy: "Oh, please don't sing Opera. . . NOBODY looks good singing Opera."
Favorite Quote from the Bachelorettes: (and yes, we rewound it just to be sure it is what she really said) upon her departure. . ."I just can't wait to get home to my cat . . and to hear her puuurrr again . . . [sniffle] she is the only person in my life right now."
COME ON! Doesn't that make you feel PRETTY GREAT about your life???? Even just a little?
Please join me 10:15 p.m. my place, Monday night. I provide goodies. It is always good for a laugh.
I used to watch it and I'll probably sneak a few episodes. Now the shows I don't admit to watching are...oh this is hard to do but I'll come clean...
The Hills, & Housewives of NYC. Oh, for shame! Watching does make your life seem great though!
Yes...I used to enjoy the bachelor but started losing hope when none of the couples stayed together.
I watched Housewives of NYC last week and was hypnotized!
Oh, how I wish we lived closer. We would have a good time!
(think 2 posts down before you read this comment).
Check?!? I haven't ever gotten a check from Costco. And I am one of their best customers. I feel snubbed, and hurt, and alone. Well, not very alone, My cat is the only person in my life right now.
There is nothing I love more than watching bad t.v. Some of my favorites are: Real Housewives (of the OC and NYC), Jon & Kate plus 8, and the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. It doesn't get ANY worse than those three. Might have to pick up the Bachelor one of these days.
I had to comment on this...
I used to be a faithful bachelor/bachelorette watcher until Jen Schiff totally screwed that poor guy over. And then that Charlie was so sleezy. But last night I caught some of the bachelor. I saw both of those ridiculoulsy desperate girls sing. I was so embarassed for them. And then the girl who "handles her liquor well"...I do feel much better about myself after I watch those sad pathetic girls.
Thank you reality TV!
I do have to admit you wrangled me back in...maybe...if I can tolerate being embarrassed for them! Have fun in Utah...it snowed here today. Boo.
Love, love this freak fest! The cat lady was priceless! Can't wait til Monday...we need a little sludge after church and FHE!
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