My Blogiversary is coming up! That is right! I started blogging 1 year ago on
July 15th. I can't help but think about how my family (and my blogging) has changed over the past year. Wade has gotten one year older (which we all know that first year of babyhood is PACKED with milestones)... Abby started First Grade, Jaxon ...well, he was Jaxon, and we packed up our life and belongings and moved to Arizona! In the middle of summer! (We crazy)
My blog originally started as a way to keep in touch with my family that lived out of state and keep them up on our family life. I also loved posting recipes (I just haven't been cooking new things lately folks..come on, I just moved) as a matter of fact, I posted SOOOOOO many, I started
a different blog just for that! Then I found the "blogging" world and a whole new way of expressing myself emerged. It was at that point that my husband claims my blog became all about ME... yep.. It is.. because I am writing it.. so there. He claims that he is going to start his own "our family blog" but you know.. that will happen when pigs fly, so, until then, I still post from time to time about my cute, adorable FAMILY!
As part of my celebration... I will be doing a GIVEAWAY.. But we will have to wait until the 15th for that. Until then I had a fun time looking over my blog and picking out MY favorite blog posts... Here are my top 10.
**I loved
calling out the lurkers and even got some new blog friends out of it!
**I love it when
randomness happens around the house and you get to catch it for posterity... I mean, I would have never even THOUGHT of that before blogging....
**Being unable to sleep NEVER happens to me.. but when it did,
this is what happened...
**I have a few obsessions and I enjoy blogging about them. Here is my favorite
**From time to time processing my feelings on-line really helps. On
this one, I about had a nervous breakdown. I am glad I could share it with all of you.
**Blogging about Jaxon is just inevitable. Here was an
epiphany I had about him.
**I have a house full of artists...really.. Abby is my favorite budding artist and
here is why.
Here is all of my deep dark secrets. Betcha didn't know I am best friends with Justin Timberlake, did ya!
**For those of you who think that
miracles no longer happen on earth, I am here to prove you WRONG.
**I LOVE the funny things my kids do and trying to capture those moments.
This and
this are my favorite on camera and
this and
this are my favorite videos...
Which are your favs?