Sunday, January 6, 2008


Life with Jaxon is a lot of things. . . tiring, busy, rewarding, challenging, and hillarious!

Here are just a few of the latest Jaxonisms..

Me- Jaxon, what did you do at school Today?
Jax- Ummm... hmmm.. ahhh... hunty dunty?
M- Oh, you talked about Humpty Dumpty at school today?
J- (Tentatively) Yeah... uhhhhhh.... there was a problem. . .
M- What was the problem? (Not sure if he is referring to school, or humpty dumpty)
J- Well. . umm. . . it didn't turn out so good....

Jaxonism #2

At 8:20 a.m. I call for family prayer. Jaxon was completely disgruntled about having to go to this activity, so I had to drag him up the stairs to our bedroom. He complained the entire time, even through the prayer, and after word on our way to the bus stop I asked him what was wrong, and why he was being so grumpy. .

M- Jaxon, what is wrong bud? Why are you so grumpy?
M- Why not bub? We have to say prayers to Heavenly Father. .
J- But, we say prayers ALL THE TIME!!


Just now, sitting at the kitchen table. Peter and Abby are discussing something, and Jaxon felt the need to be involved. . . Jaxon interjects. . .We need pajamas for rock and roll! Cuz rock and roll is cool!!!

My favorite response to any negative response... like... Jaxon, "Can I have a sippy cup?" Mom, "Not right now" Jaxon, "Um, how bout tomorrow?"

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